Local Parents Protest FUHSD Transition to Trustee Area Voting

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    Cupertino Facts


     Over 2,200 residents from the Monta Vista and Lynbrook High School attendance areas have expressed opposition to the the Fremont Union High School District’s transition from at-large to by-trustee area elections. Residents have spoken out at board meetings, community meetings, and signed a Change.org petition.

    Feb. 13, 2024 FUHSD Board Meeting


    A Controversial Move

    With the previous at-large voting system, residents were able to elect all five FUHSD Board Trustees. But with the new Trustee Area voting system, residents will only be allowed to elect one trustee in their designated Trustee Area. See our previous article for more background.

    FUHSD’s stated reason for transitioning from At Large to Trustee Area Elections is to avoid scrutiny under the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA). The CVRA, passed in 2002, helps minority groups more easily challenge At Large elections, on the grounds that they cause racially-polarized voting. However, to date, FUHSD has not done any analysis to determine whether there is racially-polarized voting in its district.


    Cupertino Councilmembers Question FUHSD Plan

    At the February 13th FUHSD Board Meeting, Cupertino City Councilmember Liang Chao, representing herself only, stated, “In the unanimous decision by the Supreme Court in August 2023, the Supreme Court raised the bar for the CVRA challenge. It specifically said alternatives could be ranked-choice voting and cumulative voting.”


    Chao called for the FUHSD Board to immediately add an agenda item to consider other voting methods, and also “consider fiscal impacts of going through the lengthy redistricting process every 10 years with by-trustee area elections.”


    Cupertino Councilmember Kitty Moore, whose children attended FUHSD schools, also spoke out representing herself only. Moore stated, “I am very concerned about the profound lack of data concerning redistricting, especially considering that we are a high school district known for our academics. This could potentially expose the district to various risks.”


    Supporters of By-Trustee Areas

    According to the FUHSD presentation delivered by Superintendent Graham Clark, the switch helps North Sunnyvale residents. Historically, most FUHSD trustees have come from South Sunnyvale and Cupertino. North Sunnyvale has not had any trustees. With the transition, North Sunnyvale would always be guaranteed one board member.

    One of the decision’s biggest advocates is an organization called Sunnyvale Equity in Education (SEE). SEE has stated in a Facebook post that its goals include achieving equal representation on the board, and, in the long term, opening its own North Sunnyvale school.


    Current and former Sunnyvale City Councilmembers are also proponents of the move. “No taxation without representation,” stated Sunnyvale’s Councilmember of District 5, which includes North Sunnyvale. “In the past 50 years, there has never been a Latino or a North Sunnyvale resident on this board. In the 40 years since the closure of Sunnyvale High School, North Sunnyvale residents have not enjoyed the same access or quality of high school educational resources as the rest of this district. Our residents deserve the same access to educational resources as South Sunnyvale, Cupertino, Los Altos, and San Jose residents.”


    Opponents of By-Trustee Areas

    Many Monta Vista and Lynbrook area parents expressed frustration with Trustee Areas, across multiple FUHSD meetings. Numerous public comments showed concern that the change would put Monta Vista or Lynbrook at risk of being closed, in order to make way for a Sunnyvale school. FUHSD currently has five high schools; it is unlikely to be able to afford six. During public meetings, several parents stated that it takes only three out of five board members to close a school. With the Trustee Area system, Southern FUHSD would be at risk of not having enough board members to vote against such a move, if it ever arose.

    Many parents also stated that the change to Trustee Areas was made without their consent. All community outreach meetings occurred after the decision was made, asking residents to “choose a map” for Trustee Areas, rather than provide input on the Trustee Area decision itself. “By-Trustee Area will undercut the ability of every voter to have an impact, since we can only vote for one trustee every four years,” stated Councilmember Liang Chao.


    Next Steps

    FUHSD now faces the challenging task of managing the needs of multiple parent groups. The District continues to reassure parents that it “has no plans to close schools”. However, it also refuses to definitively state that it “will not close schools.” Ultimately, this lack of certainty is leaving many questioning the district’s motives.


    How To Get Involved

    There are many ways local residents can share their opinions on the move to Trustee Areas. Most immediately, there are two remaining Map Hearing Schedules. These are held during the regular board meetings at the District Office (589 W. Fremont Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94087).March 20, 2024 (6 P.M.)

    • April 24, 2024 (6 P.M.): This is the final map hearing where the board will approve a final map of Trustee Areas, as well as which areas will be up for election.

    Attend an FUHSD Board of Trustees meeting.

    View the presentation made during the Monta Vista High School Community Outreach meeting.


    Those opposing the transition can sign the Change.org petition.

    Transition to new trustee elections system at South Bay school district challenged

    By Stephanie LamMarch 14 at 6:05 AM PT

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    學區選舉改制 南灣家長連署請願推遲


    佛利蒙聯合高中學區(Fremont Union High School District)面臨學委選舉制度改變,將由全區域內選出五名學委,改為五個小選區各選出一位學委,即為不分區學委選舉改到分區學委選舉。因分區選舉可能改變目前族裔與地區學委的代表席次,位在學區內家長團體抗議選舉制度改變,發起請願連署,疾呼要求學區推遲改變選制至2026年,請願書已累積超過2300位居民連署。


    居民抗議團體代表Aegean Lee,居住在學區內達30年,對於學區內的歷史瞭解甚多,她表示,學區在去年3月7日通過這項決議後,到10月才開始公開這項消息,學區內的大多數居民都不知道這項決定,整個過程不夠透明公開,需要與居民更多的討論與溝通,她與其他居民發動請願書連署,反對學區做出改選制度的決定,要求延遲改選制度進行。


    同為抗議代表之一的Peter Liu認為,把學區分成五個學區,本來可選五個人,改為只能選一個人,將學區分割成五區,造成每個小區間的利益不一樣,會有衝突跟抗爭,會造成學區的矛盾與效率降低。他提到,2023年Homestead High School要取消中文課,由家長去請願要求保留文化傳承,五個學委都能聽得進大家的請願,如改成小學區學委,未來只有一個學委會聽訴求。







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    "Restructuring of School District Elections: South Bay Parents Petition for Postponement"

    Reporter Sun Aiwei/Santa Clara County reported on March 16, 2024, 02:19 ET


    The Fremont Union High School District is facing a change in the school board election system, transitioning from electing five board members from the entire district to having one member elected from each of the five small districts. This means changing from at-large school board elections to district-based ones. Due to the possibility that district-based elections may alter the current representation of ethnicities and regional areas on the board, parent groups within the district are protesting against the change in the election system. They have initiated a petition urging the district to postpone the change in the electoral system until 2026. The petition has accumulated over 2300 signatures from residents.


    Aegean Lee, representative of the protesting residents, who has lived in the district for 30 years and has a deep understanding of its history, stated that after the district passed this resolution on March 7 last year, the news was only made public in October. Most residents within the district were unaware of this decision, indicating a lack of transparency and openness in the entire process. More discussions and communication with residents are needed. She and other residents launched a petition to oppose the district's decision to change the election system and to request a delay in its implementation.


    Peter Liu, also a protesting representative, believes that dividing the district into five zones, where previously five people could be elected but now only one can, will create conflicts and struggles between the different zones' interests. This will lead to increased contradictions and decreased efficiency within the district. He mentioned that Homestead High School planned to cancel its Chinese language classes in 2023, and it was the parents who petitioned to preserve cultural heritage. If the board is divided into smaller zones, only one board member in the future will hear such petitions.


    He also pointed out that redrawing district maps every ten years will again cause conflicts and struggles among residents. He hopes the district can strive to maintain its existing electoral system. The petition to postpone the change in the election system has garnered 2300 signatures. They hope the district will postpone the election until after 2026. Their intention is not to oppose the district's change but to provide parents and the community with more time to react and understand.


    All three interviewed protesting resident representatives expressed that the district cannot merely provide verbal assurances without any written guarantees regarding the closure of any high school within the district. They demand tangible assurances through documented decisions in meetings to reassure residents. Parents are concerned that changes in the board's composition after the election system change will result in the relocation of resources within the district, ultimately leading to the closure of the southernmost high school. Residents who sense the threat of school closures may boycott future district bonds.


    During the school board meeting in early January, protesting residents held signs demanding a delay in the district's electoral restructuring. (Photo provided by interviewees)


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