Who We Are
Voice Of Community Residents & Parents ( V O C R P ) is an alliance of local community residents & families who have united over a common cause: to defend and uphold the quality of our local public schools in the Cupertino and West San Jose area. This area has many working-class and/or immigrant families who do not have the time or means to constantly attend school board meetings.
Over time, our voices have been marginalized, and there is a need for greater representation.
Our mission is to ensure quality education for students, amplify the voices of parents, and ensure that all residents in the FUHSD community are well-informed and engaged, fostering a sense of community involvement.
Need Your Support to take Action
You have two ways to donate:
1. Donate online at Stripe: webpage version: https://form.jotform.com/240794736183162
2. Please download and fill this form, write a check payable to "VOCR". Give them to our volunteer or Mail to
VOCR, 6146 Bollinger Rd #700061, San Jose, CA 95129
Voice of Community Residents & Parents